The outside – in approach to management
Call us now on 01763 290334

Without your efforts in guiding us through ISO9001 : 2008 the project would no doubt still be a work in progress…
— J.McDade (AMP Electrical, Leicester)
Henry Ford said “If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said faster horses”.
Are you creating the equivalent of faster horses and then wondering why sales are struggling?
As a Certified Process Professional Stephen Malcolm, Linstar’s Managing Director is often asked to review an organisation’s processes with a view to increase profitability. In the initial consultation phase of the process review the organisation needs to consider if they have an inside – out, or an outside – in approach to management and one of the first questions he would ask is ” Are you delivering what the customer says they want or actually what they really need?
You may doing things right but are you doing the right things?
- Understand and apply process diagnostics
- Identify and align to successful customer outcomes
- Re-frame processes for an outside-in world
- Re-think the business you are in
So what would a Certified Process Professional consider when working with an organisation that wishes to develop or instill an outside-in approach to management.
Moments Of Truth (MOT)
- MOT are a process diagnostic
- They occur anywhere a customer “touches” a process
- All MOT should be eradicated and those remaining improved. In doing so, the customer experience is improved, costs are reduced and productivity maximised
- They can be Person to person, person to system, systems to person, system to system and person to product
- Any interaction with a customer is a MOT
- MOT are both process Points Of Failure (POF) and Causes Of Work (COW)
Break Points (BP)
- BP are the direct consequence of MOT and are all the internal interactions that take place as we manage the processes caused by the customer interactions
- Any place that hand-offs occur in the process is a BP
- BP can be Person to person, person to system, system to person or system to system
- BP are both process points and Causes Of Work (COW)
Causes of Work (COW)
- All customer interaction
Business Rules (BR)
- BR are points in a process where decisions are made
- Any decision point in a process is a BR
- Some BR are obvious while others have to be “found”
- BR can be operational, strategic or regulatory and they can be system based or manual
- BR control the “behaviour”of the process and shape the experience of those who touch it
- BR should be challenged in today’s context and removed if no longer relevant
- BR are highly prone to obsolesence
- We must find and make explicit, the BR in a process
To find out more – contact us now on 01763 290334, or at